Schools & Colleges

I AM MARK is an ideal resource for schools and colleges. Students invariably describe it as ‘intense’ and ‘fantastic’. It has an almost mesmerising effect on audiences of all ages – even, perhaps especially, on those who are unfamiliar with the Scriptures. 

I AM MARK comes as a standalone performance, followed by an optional question and answer session with the students. Or as part of an RS lesson (or lessons) about Christianity or the gospels. A particular favourite are the drama workshops Stefan runs on biblical storytelling. Cross-use over different departments, such as Speech and Drama and English, could allow costs to be shared equally.

I AM MARK can be used in whole school assemblies or in smaller settings like Christian Unions, or both. It also offers imaginative possibilities for outreach. Because it is inspired Scripture as well as very entertaining, I AM MARK makes an ideal introduction to the Christian faith.

As Alastair Reid, the General Secretary of the Independent Schools Christian Alliance (TISCA), writes:

TISCA was delighted to have Stefan Smart make a presentation at our recent residential chaplains’ conference. Our chaplains were ‘blown away’ by such a compelling one-man dramatic rendition of parts of Mark’s gospel. Using only a chair as a prop (which filled in for a boat, a mountain top and a soap box), Stefan carefully and sensitively challenged us with his performance. His vocal expression was impressive and his faithful use of the exact words of Scripture helped us to ‘see’ Jesus interact with ordinary people, with the disciples and with the authorities during His time on earth. We could imagine a full-gospel presentation being used during an outreach, perhaps in conjunction with a school’s local community, or in portions (as we experienced) during a week-long series of assemblies or chapels – or even in conjunction with drama studies. We cannot commend Stefan and I AM MARK more highly.

With nearly 35 years’ experience as a Director of Student Learning and a teacher of English and Drama, Stefan is ideally placed to engage with young people just where they are. And so to bring this foundational story to life.

To make a ‘no obligations’ enquiry, get in touch via the form below.

The feedback I have had from pupils and staff about Saturday’s [performance in Chapel] has been very positive.  I think they enjoyed the fact it was different from the normal diet; it was dynamic and it was challenging for them.

David Ibbotson, College Chaplain, Malvern College

If you think you already know the story…think again. I AM MARK – Captivating drama. Mesmerising storytelling. Undeniable Truth.

Dan Angus
Solent MIND

Extremely moving and very powerful, bringing incredible insights.

School Chaplain
The Independent Schools Christian Alliance

An innovative, dramatic, presentation of the scriptures, just as they are – and one that is totally compelling. I have seen it on national television, in the local park and even in India. In every location the impact and effect has been stunning. You cannot imagine how powerful this is until you see it for yourself.

Peter Butt, Director
School of Ministries

What a great show. With the aid of a chair, bag and a prayer scarf I was transported back 2000 years. A must see.

Anne Keast
Secondary School Drama and Expressive Arts Teacher and Examiner

The ancient world of Christian scripture suddenly becomes alive in front of you. You hear the emotion of the conversations that Jesus had with those he met and you catch a fresh understanding of his teaching.

Neil Maddock, Director
MARTIS Productions

A great event. Stefan is very talented – and it is a powerful way to bring the account to life.

Heather Bowden, Headteacher
The King’s School, Fair Oak, Hampshire

Intense and fantastic.

St Mary’s School

I AM MARK shouldn’t be seen as a performance or even as a feat of memory to be marvelled at (all those words!), but as communication filled with love, compassion and power.

Gill Escott
Dance Instructor, Hampshire

It was such a privilege having Stefan with us in Shrewsbury. He made a great impact on the students – they really enjoyed having him and were challenged by his presentation. The Year 6 RS lesson  afterwards went superbly, and the children responded so well. It was all meant to be!

Revd Alex Aldous
Chaplain, Prestfelde Preparatory School, Shrewesbury

Really excellent, and inspirational. The Q&A afterwards was so useful.

School Chaplain
The Independent Schools Christian Alliance

Bringing out the passion of when Jesus was shaking things up…you can feel why people wanted to follow him.

Bristol University

A wonderful and refreshing retelling of Mark’s gospel. A truly inspiring letter to the church beautifully portrayed by Stefan Smart. He doesn’t flinch from being challenging and direct. An ideal resource for our times. Highly recommended.

David Robinson, Artistic Director
Searchlight Theatre Co.

Sometimes it takes a living voice to make you hear the Bible for the first time -a voice that presents some saying or episode not as a stray fragment but as part of the rhythm and pace of a story that goes on gathering momentum. Mark’s gospel has just that kind of momentum, and this performance gives a memorably strong sense of it.

Rowan Williams
Formerly Archbishop of Canterbury

Go! You don’t have to be religious to appreciate this.

Learning Disabilities Support Worker

Many thanks for the inspiring workshop with my Year 10 Drama Class this morning. I hope you enjoyed their response!

Keith Packham
Director of Drama, Malvern College

I really appreciate your courage, love and imagination in making Jesus vibrantly real to me and I’m sure, others. Thank you for your wondrous, life-giving work!

Audience Member

A wonderful presentation. The highlight of our Festival experience!

Theodore Louis Trost
Professor in Religious Studies, The University of Alabama, Edinburgh Fringe 2022

Photos used with permission from Performing Arts Mission