A Message to our Supporters
Dear friends,
As our big adventure on the Edinburgh Festival Fringe is only a few days away, I thought I’d get in touch to thank you once again for your amazing love and support, and to keep you up to date with what’s happening.
We’re in good shape. With two performances recently in Southampton and Marlow, the lines are pretty much under control and confidence is high. The Edinburgh experience is likely to be a fascinating one as I will be experimenting with TWO kinds of performance – one for in the venue, and one outside on the streets.
The latter is likely to be more rough and ready – narrated by my ‘cockney geezer’ Mark. The evening performance is a more cultured affair. Mark will have a RP accent, be a bit more of a thinker, and the theological basis of his retelling of the story will be more evident. I’m looking forward to performing both characters and breaking new ground in so doing.
The street performances will be very short – no more than 30 mins long. I’m thinking of doing Chapters 3-5 as that section includes a wide variety of material: some healings, an exorcism, a storm and some great stories and parables.
The big bonus in doing this bit is that it’s allowed me to introduce another performer into the mix. Gill Escott, who many will know as a dancer of amazing ability, has kindly agreed to perform a movement to illustrate the healing of the woman with the perpetual haemorrhage in Chapter 5. She will do this out of the blue, as a kind of ‘pop up’ show, hopefully catching everyone by surprise, to no doubt stunning effect.
The other person who will be joining me in Edinburgh is the wonderful Neil Maddock, who again many will know as a talented performer in his own right. It’s a real bonus to have him with us in his capacity as my director, and it will be great to see him in action perhaps with some of his songs!
As we go on the streets of Edinburgh, our aim is to perform this section of the gospel in as many locations and as often as possible, while at the same time giving out fliers for the evening show.
We’re nervous but very excited. It’s bound to be exhausting but at the same time lIkely to be the richest, most rewarding experience of our lives.
Do think of us when we are up there, and keep us in your prayers!
We would also love to hear from you; your messages will be so valuable as we go forward. You can leave a comment below or contact us through FB.
With lots of love, and thanks once again,
Stef xx
Copyright © 2021 BEHOLD! Productions Limited