A brand new one-man performance that introduces audiences to one of the most prolific writers in the New Testament, the Apostle Paul.

Following his conversion on the road to Damascus, Paul was called to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ to people all over the known world of the first century. His missionary journeys saw him visit many countries and encounter shipwreck, arrest, and imprisonment, and along the way he would pen many letters to encourage Christian believers. These letters are what form the majority of the New Testament and this performance uses the biblical text to bring the story of this incredible man to life.

The performance has been created, and will be acted by, Neil Maddock. Neil is passionate about performance and established the charity Martis Productions, which exists to creatively communicate the Christian faith. He is an experienced actor/communicator who has toured across the UK and worked overseas as part of Christian theatre companies working in schools, colleges, churches, and a wide variety of community settings. He has written, directed, and acted in large scale Passion Plays as well as creating and touring previous one-man shows based on the Passion story and the Nativity.

Neil and Stefan Smart (I AM MARK), have been connected for nearly ten years having met in Southampton and sharing a similar passion for creative communication. Neil worked alongside Stefan in the early stages of developing I AM MARK, and accompanied him on his first visit to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2018. Now, Stefan has returned the favour and has been an invaluable support in directing and creating My Name is Paul with Neil.

Behold Productions are excited to be launching this new performance and we look forward to hopefully meeting many of you as we follow in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul, and travel far and wide introducing people to the Good News of Jesus.